Oki, Amba'wastitch, Danit'ada, Hello.
Khatija Westbrook resides on the Ancestral and Traditional Territories of the Niitsitapi (Siksika, Piikani, Kainai), the Tsuu T'ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda First Nations, and the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III. As Treaty 7 person, she acknowledges that the Treaty agreements have not been honoured.
Khatija is an Associate Professor at Mount Royal University (MRU) in Calgary teaching in athletic therapy and physical literacy. She holds a BPHE, a BSc(PT) and a MSc and PhD in sport epidemiology. She engages in analysis and commentary of health knowledge and scholarship of teaching and learning.
Khatija has specialized in elite athletics working with intercollegiate athletes at the University of Toronto David L. MacIntosh Sport Medicine Clinic, University of Alberta Athletics and as the Head Therapist at MRU from 2005-2018. She was a dedicated therapist with the women’s national field hockey team for 15 years, is a member of the national wrestling medical team (20 years) and has been a Canadian core medical team member for 8 major games.
Khatija was a member of the Program Accreditation Committee for 12 years, served as the CATA Ombudsperson and on the Board of Directors. She has worked with positive space initiatives and as an organizing committee member for Walking With Our Sisters Calgary. She is a facilitator for the Working Minds (Mental Health Commission of Canada) and a member of an academic advisory group for curricular decolonization.
Khatija chooses to examine and learn about the intersections of her experiences with privilege and non-privilege to restore good relations in her professional and personal endeavours.